# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by a Yarn.social pod yarn running yarnd ERSION@OMMIT go1.23.4 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = kat # url = https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/kat/twtxt.txt # avatar = https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/kat/avatar#dipvalwfq7douwl26gpuxuqnce3b4ceoiccldg4of3wg253et3mq # description = it's kat. she/her # # following = 17 # # link = capsule gemini://lazuli.sayitditto.net # link = site https://girlonthemoon.xyz # # follow = aelaraji@aelaraji.com https://aelaraji.com/twtxt.txt # follow = bender@twtxt.net https://twtxt.net/user/bender/twtxt.txt # follow = cuaxolotl@sunshinegardens.org https://sunshinegardens.org/~xj9/twtxt/tw.txt # follow = gretahayes@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/gretahayes/twtxt.txt # follow = kat http://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/kat/twtxt.txt # follow = kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/kat/twtxt.txt # follow = kingdomcome@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/kingdomcome/twtxt.txt # follow = lime360@lime360.nekoweb.org https://lime360.nekoweb.org/twtxt.txt # follow = lyse@lyse.isobeef.org https://lyse.isobeef.org/twtxt.txt # follow = movq@www.uninformativ.de https://www.uninformativ.de/twtxt.txt # follow = news http://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/news/twtxt.txt # follow = prologic@twtxt.net https://twtxt.net/user/prologic/twtxt.txt # follow = quark@ferengi.one https://ferengi.one/twtxt.txt # follow = seabirdie@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/seabirdie/twtxt.txt # follow = suitechic@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/suitechic/twtxt.txt # follow = support http://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/user/support/twtxt.txt # follow = xkcd-com@feeds.twtxt.net https://feeds.twtxt.net/xkcd-com/twtxt.txt 2024-12-31T23:55:35-05:00 test test test 2024-12-31T23:55:53-05:00 test 2024-12-31T23:56:08-05:00 hm is this working 2024-12-31T23:56:35-05:00 (#kbya3aq) @ fuck 2025-01-01T00:07:57-05:00 testttt 2025-01-01T00:08:29-05:00 @ testttt 2025-01-01T00:11:26-05:00 cli test 2025-01-01T00:21:06-05:00 cli test 2 2025-01-01T00:21:30-05:00 (#fvlcieq) @ god damn it why aren't icons working 2025-01-01T00:22:32-05:00 cli test 3 2025-01-01T00:26:57-05:00 pleaseeeeeeee work 2025-01-01T00:27:06-05:00 (#zoe5ubq) @ god damn it 2025-01-01T00:29:05-05:00 STUPID ASS BASE URL STUFF FUCKED UP ICONS but we're good now yayyy 2025-01-01T00:31:21-05:00 another cli test for icons this time 2025-01-01T00:37:27-05:00 well it's just me here. any friends wanna join 2025-01-01T00:47:01-05:00 (#tubwoja) @ this is lonely! 2025-01-01T01:09:48-05:00 wanna play with CLI stuff or host something new... maybe play with that charmbracelet git server but i don't need that lol 2025-01-01T01:10:31-05:00 image upload test. have a wonyoung
 ![wonyoung icon](https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/media/xZ3LMcJZmyLTSrkoGLem3.png) 2025-01-01T01:10:38-05:00 (#nf4zjga) @ oh shit that worked 2025-01-01T01:32:20-05:00 happy new year to anyone who sees this <3 2025-01-01T01:41:27-05:00 (#e4aezlq) @ this is so fucking real i'm so sick of AI/LLM crap 2025-01-01T01:42:47-05:00 customized the shit out of my desktop with catppuccin themes earlier today. mostly out of boredom. but it's really cute i love catppuccin 2025-01-01T01:45:11-05:00 been having fun updating my [dotfiles](https://git.sr.ht/~chasinglightning/dotfiles) repo as if i have anything notable to put in there 2025-01-01T02:06:17-05:00 tried building the yarn social app for android but wahhh android studio and flutter scare me... big ass IDEs and SDKs and shit not worth it 2025-01-01T10:38:42-05:00 (#fktqbyq) fair lol! i should give the web app a try, i don't think i'll get much use out of it from my phone anyway because i suck at typing on a phone but i might as well log in! 2025-01-01T10:39:21-05:00 (#tubwoja) aw thank you!!! i have one friend interested, we shall see if he joins... 2025-01-01T10:39:35-05:00 (#mkmn57q) @ :D! 2025-01-01T10:40:16-05:00 (#vwonyga) thank you for building such a wonderful platform! i discovered it from messing with base twtxt and then went 'hm i've self hosted fedi instances and a bsky PDS i can do this too' and so i did LOL! 2025-01-01T10:40:50-05:00 good morning everyone i want to do epic linux desktop ricing again 2025-01-01T10:44:51-05:00 (#yjg3shq) @ i was adding catppuccin themes everywhere possible last night right but now my desktop wallpaper & conky widget, which are just black & white, don't really match, so i need something dark purple tinged! i'll make a quick edit later 2025-01-01T10:54:19-05:00 apateu apateu apateu apateu apateu apateu uh, uh-huh uh-huh 2025-01-01T10:54:29-05:00 (#dn7zxhq) rose put drugs in this song 2025-01-01T10:54:48-05:00 i love wonyoung i wish k-pop girls were real (joke) 2025-01-01T10:56:58-05:00 i've transitioned text editors from nano (yeah i know) to [micro](https://micro-editor.github.io/) and god micro is just so much better i did not know there was a CLI text editor i could use with sensible keyboard shortcuts that did not leave me feeling like i'm typing nuclear codes to do simple tasks like saving and editing 2025-01-01T10:58:12-05:00 being a k-pop fan in nerd circles means no one will ever take you seriously. the solution is to be so unserious and insane that it wraps back around to people taking you seriously as you do cool things while being deeply unserious 2025-01-01T10:58:27-05:00 (#ewwwwmq) @ and this is how [superlove](https://superlove.sayitditto.net/) got made 2025-01-01T11:11:11-05:00 this is sooo cute and so fun i got it for timer stuff bc lord knows i need a timer on my computer and now i'm staring at animated ASCII cats that kiss https://github.com/poetaman/arttime 2025-01-01T11:49:00-05:00 (#kznynca) @ just spent like an hour playing with this and adding newjeans ASCII art this is the cutest shit ever 2025-01-01T11:49:22-05:00 (#wsjzdca) @ these are beautiful! 2025-01-01T11:50:09-05:00 i need a tux plushie so bad i'm literally asking my sister to teach me how to sew just so i can make a tux plushie 2025-01-01T12:32:35-05:00 i should use my media goblin instance 2025-01-01T13:06:07-05:00 messing with gemini again, this time a static site generator called gssg - https://git.sr.ht/~gsthnz/gssg

my capsule is linked in my profile but just in case it's over at gemini://lazuli.sayitditto.net 2025-01-01T13:33:02-05:00 asciinema is really cool. thought about self hosting my own upload site which they have docs for but i don't need to host everything even if it'd be a fun project. the default/main site is fine enough for me when i won't be uploading a whole lot. 2025-01-01T14:07:33-05:00 i absolutely love that i can post here via terminal with yarnc like fedi and bsky should take notes this is epic 2025-01-01T14:10:12-05:00 really wanna make an ssh zine app inspired by a telnet zine cms i found on github. i'm gonna probably go ahead with the telnet zine idea i have if i can get people for it but if i could build my own ssh mirror for it with golang and the charmbracelet wish library that'd be epic 2025-01-01T14:10:30-05:00 (#7574p7q) @ this is that telnet zine cms by the way, it's epic https://github.com/caraesten/dial_a_zine 2025-01-01T16:49:38-05:00 posting from my phone yayyy just downloaded a random tabbed browser off f-droid for this bc my main mobile browser is firefox focus which isn't great for persisting data 2025-01-01T16:50:53-05:00 this is so cool i hope i can get friends to join 2025-01-01T20:19:33-05:00 i had ideas for my fancy new idea table list (https://github.com/IonicaBizau/idea) that i've fallen in love with but i forgot what they were... 2025-01-01T20:50:11-05:00 (#dphjuwa) it's so cool!!! 2025-01-01T20:50:23-05:00 (#dphjuwa) @ oh i meant to hit reply but i forgot lol 2025-01-01T20:50:36-05:00 (#fj36amq) @ hopefully!!! 2025-01-01T21:05:10-05:00 (#fktqbyq) @ totally understandable! i used the web app from my phone and it worked perfectly 🫶 i can't imagine the headaches that maintaining apps brings... 2025-01-01T21:44:55-05:00 (#fktqbyq) @ yeah and far lighter than the likes of react! it kicks ass 2025-01-01T22:35:09-05:00 (#fktqbyq) @ omg i keep hearing so much good about HTMX i really gotta try it! 2025-01-02T17:27:59-05:00 (#bwkz64a) @ YAYYY fuck cloudflare!!! caddy+wireguard amazing combo 2025-01-02T17:30:23-05:00 good morning new yarn social/twtxt friends (it is literally 5:30pm where i am i woke up at 3pm and i am still drinking coffee) 2025-01-02T17:31:27-05:00 i like this little ideas utility i've been using like i keep pulling up the idea table to see what i've added and it makes me wanna start one of them like the CLI app i wanna write in golang with [charmbracelet's bubbletea](https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea) even though i only have a vague idea of what i want in a CLI app 2025-01-02T17:32:04-05:00 (#7p4myaq) @ i've really wanted to make one of those sites you can curl that's terminal friendly but looks different on the browser like how does wttr.in do it... magic 2025-01-02T17:35:06-05:00 cron jobs are witchcraft and sorcery 2025-01-02T17:35:30-05:00 (#4q5smiq) @ if i ever get to it i will absolutely post tux-in-progress pics!!! just a creature.... 2025-01-02T17:36:37-05:00 it's epic that twtxt slash yarn doesn't have reposts or likes. it's just chill. replies and posting is all a site needs 2025-01-02T18:21:07-05:00 (#fcwg4zq) @ oh yeah i had to do a custom caddy build for that once but then i reverted because i didn't need it anymore (well i kinda do but for now i'm just manually doing it instead of wildcard certs/TLS on demand i'm lazy af). otherwise i love caddy 2025-01-02T18:21:34-05:00 (#2sgdbna) @ 9am wow!!! 6pm here now :P 2025-01-02T18:21:46-05:00 (#7p4myaq) @ oooh i should've figured yeah!!! epic... 2025-01-02T18:22:34-05:00 (#7pqsr4q) @ this is epic... you've made a great platform!!! screw big tech we got literal threads here. X, The Everything App, wishes it had literal yarn threads smh my head. also twtxt is so cool like i love that yarn is a frontend for it but also its own thing. all plaintext... coolest shit ever 2025-01-02T18:24:15-05:00 my camcorder battery & mini dvds came in the mail so i did a test recording! it's so cool i love the crap quality. i do hope the memory stick arrives soon though because for the discs i can't get them on my computer (not even a rom drive filesystem mount) without "finalizing" the disc which is like an old camcorder thing. i still think i'll prefer disc recording though even if a limit of 30 minutes (or longer for lower quality) is strict. i like limitations like that 2025-01-02T18:25:24-05:00 (#ztplfva) @ i think what i love about "retro" (relative to me because i was born 2004) is that it has friction but in a different way than modern tech does. sure there's friction with getting a video from your phone to a computer unless you're a nerd like me with android and syncthing. but not only is that something that could be but isn't easier, it's just... it makes sense for a camcorder from ~2009 to have the kind of friction it does 2025-01-02T18:26:56-05:00 (#ztplfva) @ i also like the separation inherent with using dedicated devices. like i have a DAP, a fiio X1 ii from 2019, and it's still going strong. it's perfect for on the go music listening and i never have to worry about like going somewhere with no reception and the music drops out. it's all local AND the battery lasts longer because i'm not using wi-fi or bluetooth or data. also i can directly access the file system and just add files anytime. this goes for my point & shoot and other devices too. i love this shit i'm such a nerd 2025-01-02T18:27:03-05:00 (#7pqsr4q) @ EVEN COOLER 2025-01-02T18:27:28-05:00 (#ztplfva) @ anyway when i get the memory stick i will record something silly and exclusive for yarn friends i can't wait <3 2025-01-02T18:31:01-05:00 my camcorder videos are gonna go so hard yall like i can post them exclusively to my own youtube site and just do whatever tf i want with it. i should make more vlogs 2025-01-02T18:31:10-05:00 (#wseyvjq) @ https://memoria.sayitditto.net/user/andjuly/ 2025-01-02T18:41:02-05:00 [ladyflash by the go team](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixn2RlLUr64) is sooo good my friend just shared it and i'm obsessed already 2025-01-02T18:46:44-05:00 i fucking love tux paint it's so cute i wish i could draw 2025-01-02T19:24:59-05:00 my friend is getting into snh48 and its sister groups and it makes me miss being a fan but my oshi (shen mengyao) graduated so i don't have any reason to follow them. but the thing about snh48 is that it's a group full of messy toxic lesbians with mental problems so there is always some wild ass drama going on. you can never leave snh48 standom 2025-01-02T19:44:26-05:00 i am not a #gamer at all but i wanna play this it looks sooo cute https://studiopixel.sakura.ne.jp/keroblaster/index.html 2025-01-02T20:00:34-05:00 help i've had this account for barely 2 days and i'm nearly at 100 posts 2025-01-02T23:03:32-05:00 (#6cnegna) @ fuck yeah!!! 2025-01-02T23:03:42-05:00 (#6cnegna) @ nooo post away!!! 2025-01-02T23:03:48-05:00 (#6cnegna) @ probably lol! 2025-01-03T01:26:32-05:00 fighting for my life trying to learn golang WHAT THE FUCK IS A POINTER (rhetorical) 2025-01-03T12:09:08-05:00 (#v5qajxa) @ REALLLL 2025-01-03T12:09:37-05:00 (#4q5smiq) @ AWWWW OMG THAT'S SO CUTE 2025-01-03T12:10:44-05:00 (#fgaa2na) @ oh it's ok! thank you for the explanation! i think for me when it comes to programming i learn best by doing, so like written examples or talking about it helps less, BUT baseline explanations like what a pointer is does help! i was so confused and i still need to fix the error i'm having but i will figure it out! 2025-01-03T12:11:12-05:00 good morning yarn friends! it's noon here but i woke up an hour ago. much better compared to waking up at 4pm yesterday 2025-01-03T12:11:35-05:00 i want to make camcorder videos with this girl's vibe she is insane https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg9isnie-qBpPIWx4ZQOnJw 2025-01-03T12:34:04-05:00 need to come up with ideas for camcorder videos... i have one but it's just 'talk in front of camera about fave songs i listened to in 2024' and i wanna do more fun things even though rambling in front of cam is already fun af 2025-01-03T12:54:18-05:00 (#deynbma) @ wow almost 6am damn!!! yeah i'm EST too :) 2025-01-03T12:54:42-05:00 (#cl3wl2a) @ aw thank you so much!!! rambling is the best... just gotta keep on going about what we love and somehow people like it lol! 2025-01-03T16:21:28-05:00 (#cl3wl2a) @ it'd be a blast to record too with my camcorder! i'd have to figure out positioning and stuff like you said but i could probably figure something out with a bit of testing :P yeah it probably does make the project itself longer than it should be but i feel like if you make it a cozy kinda "sew with me" video where people watch you sew and film it with a static angle instead of like, showing every step? i think that'd be nice even if a bit boring. so i could absolutely try that.

magnetic tape camcorders omg!!! mine is digital but i'd LOVE to get a tape camcorder 2025-01-03T16:22:51-05:00 i recorded my first camcorder video!!!! it's just me practicing guitar after sooo long of not playing it. my acoustic, to be specific (well, it's an electric acoustic thing but i can play it without plugging it in lol, i do have a stratocaster though). it's capped at ~30 minutes because i used one mini DVD for it and decided i wasn't gonna use another one to extend the run time. so yeah. it was super fun! i hope i can share it soon, i'm ripping the disc with make MKV right now, then i'll re-encode to a web friendly format, and upload to my site and hope that works well 2025-01-03T17:54:44-05:00 (#fiqtaqq) @ here it is :) https://memoria.sayitditto.net/view?m=UyMOOoiOy 2025-01-03T21:28:15-05:00 (#7xqzija) @ oooh gonna have to look into this, doubt most of my sites need it but i'm thinking one or two could use it 2025-01-04T11:04:01-05:00 (#hz6o34q) @ this is why people like me can't code this is boring eyes glazing over kinda stuff lol 2025-01-04T11:05:17-05:00 (#cl3wl2a) @ yeah! as long as it's fun :D experimenting with it like picking up the camera every once in a while to point somewhere else, or in editing inserting more video in between the static angles, that could be fun! 2025-01-04T11:06:38-05:00 (#fiqtaqq) @ oh nah it came out like that lol! i actually love how squished it looks it feels accurate lol

oh yeah i think i might have a tripod around but i do need a sandbag or something i could use as one. maybe yeah a giant bag of rice could work LOL. thanks for the tips!!! i took a video class last year in college and we worked with cameras and tripods with sandbags so it was on my mind 2025-01-04T11:07:19-05:00 (#7xqzija) @ that's iconic af though like i should do the same bc i hate cloudflare that much i just refuse to use them 2025-01-04T11:07:47-05:00 morning yarn friends i've been playing with astro the SSG and it's a blast i see why my friends love it and rec it to everyone. i may think javascript was a mistake but this is super cool 2025-01-04T11:08:14-05:00 the windows CSS frameworks are sooo epic like you mean i can click a win aero button in my browser?!?! WITCHCRAFT! 2025-01-04T11:24:07-05:00 (#vyg3vca) @ YEAH it's so cool!!! i was thinking about trying it as sorta practice for golang lol 2025-01-04T12:28:18-05:00 (#hz6o34q) @ woah it's like a cheatsheet with explanations! java is kind of arcane magic sorcery to me so i'm having trouble understanding it but i have that with most programming languages. this is like so much easier to actually look at and read instead of my eyes glazing over lol 2025-01-04T23:10:10-05:00 went out with my family today, brought my camcorder, resulted in a little vlog :) https://memoria.sayitditto.net/view?m=SjbDq15bL 2025-01-04T23:10:26-05:00 (#f26jg3a) @ we live in hell 2025-01-05T13:50:23-05:00 (#q52hhfa) @ oh no good luck!!! 2025-01-05T14:39:45-05:00 changing my video site's logo to this silly no thoughts head empty tux clip art. because i can. https://openclipart.org/detail/103855/tux-the-penguin 2025-01-05T15:07:10-05:00 (#7i4dv6a) @ after some fighting with this janky software (that i still love despite the jank) we now have stupid tux as our logo. slayyy 2025-01-05T15:48:25-05:00 i love posting to my own personal youtube site i can just do whatever tf i want. no content ID here just vibes and finger crossing that i don't get a cease and desist one day 2025-01-05T15:54:14-05:00 posting from CLI just cuz i can lalalala i have nothing to talk about 2025-01-05T15:55:15-05:00 i've been transitioning CLI text editors from nano (godforsaken editor) to micro (normal and not overly opinionated to the point where i feel like i'm defusing a bomb trying to learn its keybindings) and the only weird thing is that i can't get it to persist an alias from nano to micro when i run sudo despite me configuring that. well at least on my servers, it persists on this machine. idk i'll look at it later 2025-01-05T15:56:26-05:00 rose put crack in apt because jesus christ i just find myself mindlessly chanting "apateu apateu" under my breath at the most random times. some brain programming shit 2025-01-05T15:57:16-05:00 in case anyone here has the impression that the girl in my icon is me, somehow, no it's a k-pop girl her name is wonyoung and she is the prettiest girl alive 2025-01-05T15:57:40-05:00 (#ucw2jya) @ though i feel like this doesn't need to be said because if anyone is that pretty they are not a self hoster because they regularly shower 2025-01-05T15:58:01-05:00 (#ucw2jya) @ (that is targeted only at me. i do not shower enough. exposing myself) 2025-01-05T18:00:11-05:00 hey yarn pod hosting friends, how do i enable an SMTP relay in the env settings? i'm trying to get a friend on here and i'm pretty sure my env config is good but it won't send emails even after restarts which is strange. i have the right hostname for mailjet, user and pass are in there, same with from address, i'm wondering if the port is messing it up bc it has to send from 587? 2025-01-05T18:00:28-05:00 (#3bi2fkq) @ wondering if the smtp_host variable is expecting something other than just the mailjet hostname... 2025-01-05T18:46:22-05:00 (#3bi2fkq) @ ok nvm just temp enabling registrations for this bc it just won't work lol i'll play with it another time 2025-01-05T18:48:57-05:00 (#wp75cwq) why'd it announce my test account LOL 2025-01-05T18:56:28-05:00 (#boohdlq) @ [mediacms](https://github.com/mediacms-io/mediacms)! it's janky yeah but it does the job ultimately (even if sometimes videos don't encode and i gotta do some weird python venv shit to force the encode lol...) 2025-01-05T18:56:44-05:00 @ HI RUS OMG 2025-01-05T18:57:06-05:00 (#t4bkusa) @ <333 2025-01-05T18:59:11-05:00 yesterday i was gonna buy new batgirl & birds of prey issues but the comic store didn't have either hahahah yeah it's a bit heavy for what i need but i do like that it's advanced enough that it's easy for friends to use :P 2025-01-05T19:00:39-05:00 (#boohdlq) @ OH SICK I GOTTA TRY THAT 2025-01-05T19:01:06-05:00 testing video posts here's a yunjin fancam ![](https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/media/cquNQy5UgQhpGgVmMdRW77.mp4) 2025-01-05T19:01:12-05:00 (#upoeqpa) @ OH MY GOD IT WORKS 2025-01-05T19:09:52-05:00 (#otr34kq) @ yesssss u got this!!! 2025-01-05T19:09:59-05:00 SEABIRDIE IS HERE!!!!!!!! 2025-01-05T19:10:50-05:00 thanks to prologic i now know i can post video here. sorry for bringing idol fancams to this humble network do you still love me ![](https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/media/5sSr3w9MxG9fUNbHVEikx7.mp4) 2025-01-05T19:14:20-05:00 should get back to reading doctorow's internet con, it's so good 2025-01-05T19:46:09-05:00 should put together my new pi and set up the DIY KVM thing i'm doing but ehhh tired 2025-01-05T19:47:29-05:00 wait i just realized this pod's time zone is not my time zone hold on lol 2025-01-05T19:48:58-05:00 test 2025-01-05T19:49:03-05:00 (#tokn7wa) @ DIDN'T WORK 2025-01-05T19:52:25-05:00 (#cn5kamq) @ KILLER ICON!!! 2025-01-05T19:53:06-05:00 tz test 2025-01-05T19:53:13-05:00 (#tv6ifoa) @ ok yeah idk what's going on whatever i'll mess with config later 2025-01-05T19:53:44-05:00 (#cn5kamq) @ fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!1 2025-01-05T19:59:28-05:00 GUYS HELP I LOCKED MYSELF OUT OF MY ACCOUNT ON WEB AND I COULDN'T GET EMAILS WORKING I'M STUCK POSTING FROM CLI LOLLLL 2025-01-05T20:10:33-05:00 I'M BACK???? 2025-01-05T20:10:44-05:00 (#67qzptq) @ OK YAY SO RESET PASS DOES WORK IT JUST DOESN'T SEND AN EMAIL IT PRINTS IT ON THE PAGE LOL 2025-01-05T20:10:49-05:00 (#67qzptq) @ hold on lemme change the admin back to this 2025-01-05T20:11:52-05:00 (#nww6fla) @ YESSS i'm gonna be using tiny pilot's software on mine! i was inspired by jet too but mine won't look nearly as cool lol 2025-01-05T20:11:55-05:00 ok yay we're back <3 2025-01-05T20:13:03-05:00 can i still post from here on cli or do i need to re-auth hmm 2025-01-05T20:13:13-05:00 ok i think its good 2025-01-05T20:13:24-05:00 (#n57rgiq) @ hahahah i see!! 2025-01-05T20:13:49-05:00 (#uwd4atq) @ I'M BACK I WON AGAINST THE SERVER GODS 2025-01-05T20:13:58-05:00 (#t7l73da) @ let's goooo!!!!!! wait lemme follow u 2025-01-05T20:23:09-05:00 (#oktfrhq) @ yay! 2025-01-05T20:43:02-05:00 bros i am so anxious right now i need to DO SOMETHING FUNNNNNNNNN 2025-01-05T20:43:12-05:00 (#r3n6dtq) @ am i in an idol video watching mood or play with single board computers mood 2025-01-05T20:43:50-05:00 (#r3n6dtq) @ well even after doing the new fixes my invidious instance is still dead because google blocked my ip i think and i don't have a proxy server so uhhhhhhhhhh. not much to watch unless i use videos on my server 2025-01-06T00:48:21-05:00 (#dzdazga) @ i love pink i put it on all my sites 2025-01-06T00:49:32-05:00 just spent like half an hour finding a terminal based color picker that would just. turn the cursor into a cross hair and let me pick from the screen. in linux fashion this was somehow difficult 2025-01-06T00:50:26-05:00 (#2yehcra) @ i wound up with xcolor AND pastel at the same time, because xcolor does exactly what i want while pastel and its picker subcommand does the same thing, relying on xcolor, but brings up a nice graphic of the picked color and related colors, plus more than just the hex code. neat. 2025-01-06T06:06:47-05:00 somehow this server went out overnight??? weird 2025-01-06T13:43:28-05:00 (#xhcunja) @ YEAHHHHHHHHH IRENE'S HERE!!!!!! 2025-01-06T13:43:34-05:00 (#v7orrgq) @ HIYA 2025-01-06T13:44:00-05:00 (#cmttsmq) @ i would be very interested in this as a caddy user who needs a WAF probably lol 2025-01-06T13:45:39-05:00 (#buvh2sa) OHHH THIS IS EPIC YALL TY i'd love to try this!!! 2025-01-06T13:45:49-05:00 morning friends (it is 1pm here) 2025-01-06T13:46:56-05:00 hmmm i really should set up crowdsec and maybe a WAF like coraza or something. i don't look at my logs as much as i should because they scare me and ignorance is bliss but i should probably cut out as much false traffic as possible especially to my biggest site (superlove) 2025-01-06T13:47:28-05:00 (#6fsvlga) @ i'm reading this and i already have a gts server that i could secure with this but i'm thinking it'd be best for most of my public sites https://ovelny.sh/blog/a-complete-guide-for-your-gotosocial-server/ 2025-01-06T13:48:26-05:00 IT'S SNOWING BTW IT'S SO PRETTY OUT 2025-01-06T13:51:01-05:00 (#v7orrgq) @ HIIIIIIIIII I'M VIBING AND INHALING COFFEE 2025-01-06T13:51:09-05:00 (#xhcunja) @ hiding in my wifi.... 2025-01-06T13:51:31-05:00 getting my friends to join here is so fun. we are invading the humble twtxt/yarn network 2025-01-06T13:52:47-05:00 (#xhcunja) @ if yarn had boosts i'd boost the shit out of this 2025-01-06T13:56:32-05:00 (#xnofogq) @ :DDDD 2025-01-06T13:57:15-05:00 i thought about making a chill little vlog putting together my new pi4 for KVM purposes but unless i make it go fast somehow i'd probably quickly exceed the 30 mins on the last mini DVD i have for recording lol 2025-01-06T13:57:34-05:00 (#paazzvq) @ i still need to put it together so either i'll do it off camera or i'll wait till i get my memory card 2025-01-06T14:16:53-05:00 (#xnofogq) @ soon there'll be dozens of us!!!!!! 2025-01-06T14:17:29-05:00 i'm pretty sure i'm running this all off sqlite so if i get too many users on here i might be cooked but oh well i can always try to migrate (<-- has heard migrations from sqlite to mysql/postgres are hell) 2025-01-06T14:18:41-05:00 guys i might be getting a framework laptop from my aunt i'm freaking out 2025-01-06T14:18:48-05:00 (#xd2liqq) @ i can't WAITTTTTTTTT 2025-01-06T14:21:01-05:00 i need to try htmx out 2025-01-06T14:26:28-05:00 (#tsan6ya) @ epic!!! 2025-01-06T14:28:35-05:00 i wanna make more videos........ editing in shotcut is kinda fnu 2025-01-06T14:28:40-05:00 (#wn5nvvq) @ fun* lol 2025-01-06T14:30:20-05:00 been thinking about trying arch linux but no i will not become the type of person that uses arch 2025-01-06T14:30:49-05:00 (#xmmlbfa) @ i'm an LXQt girlie for life and i like the convenience of apt despite that they never update their god damn packages so i guess i'm stuck on lubuntu for everything 2025-01-06T14:48:08-05:00 my fucking second drive for plex isn't auto mounting with fstab on reboot for some reason and i keep accidentally discovering this it's super annoying 2025-01-06T15:37:13-05:00 (#kc32seq) @ fake ass scifi year 2025-01-06T15:37:39-05:00 (#bor4cjq) @ ooooh interesting!!! i am a mysql liker because postgres syntax confuses me (i know its faster but whatever) but i will look into this... 2025-01-06T16:04:16-05:00 (#fruexzq) @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49RHJRUHfHw 2025-01-06T16:08:49-05:00 check out this awesome internet radio it looks cool and they play bangers https://radio.cock.institute/shows 2025-01-06T18:25:40-05:00 (#bor4cjq) @ oh yeah i remember that part of the docs lol! honestly yeah i think sqlite is fine for the number of users i have which is like, 5 including me, and active users is just... me, but if i were to have more active users i could always spin up a separate instance as jank as that is 2025-01-07T00:30:07-05:00 (#voe275a) @ holy shit this is awesome 2025-01-07T00:31:05-05:00 (#unerjrq) @ awww hope you feel better!!! 2025-01-07T00:32:00-05:00 (#vbf2mia) @ awww thank you! yeah i'd love to keep it small and chill. that's what i and my friends like most about yarn, how small and quiet it is, it's just chill! and there's no likes/reposts too which helps keep it super chill i think. just vibes... it's the best! you've built something great! 2025-01-07T00:32:10-05:00 (#gwxefpq) @ i self host wayyyy too many things LOL i'm a nerd! 2025-01-07T00:32:26-05:00 tinashe is soooo good 2025-01-07T00:32:52-05:00 upgraded kavita because i was behind a couple versions, new UI looks snazzy, i kinda miss the old one because well i've seen it for 3 years now but things change 2025-01-07T01:07:27-05:00 (#gwxefpq) @ OKKKKKK SLAYING!!! 2025-01-07T01:08:01-05:00 went to make a catppuccin theme for kavita but i got lazy :( 2025-01-07T01:08:16-05:00 (#3otm3dq) @ i am sooo in love with catppuccin lately 2025-01-07T01:25:29-05:00 (#gwxefpq) @ fuck yeah!!! i love self hosting things that friends can use it's sooo fun 2025-01-07T02:13:06-05:00 (#gwxefpq) @ noted! thank you! 2025-01-07T18:39:44-05:00 (#72atq4q) @ HIIIII WELCOME NIKKI!!! 2025-01-07T18:39:50-05:00 (#l6ze2pa) @ i'm in love with your icon omg 2025-01-07T18:40:20-05:00 (#i74yurq) @ <333 2025-01-07T18:40:30-05:00 (#tkicpka) @ god same i feel this T__T 2025-01-07T18:41:00-05:00 edited the theming on my zine posts on [itch.io](https://girlonthemoon.itch.io/), i like how they look! 2025-01-07T18:43:06-05:00 taskbook is really neat. i like using its to-do features, i think the note-taking i won't need as i've been using obsidian a lot for that lately but the to-do stuff is really helping me out 2025-01-07T18:43:10-05:00 (#esndw3a) @ https://github.com/klaudiosinani/taskbook 2025-01-08T14:16:10-05:00 (#54t4ooq) @ oooh i'll have to try this out it looks awesome 2025-01-08T14:16:29-05:00 (#uhliewq) @ this is so real 2025-01-08T14:17:44-05:00 (#vwzj4aa) @ yeah i've also used namecheap, though i will say if you want to do TLS on demand with them then it's kind of a pain and i think you have to pay more last i checked so i'd try something different. 2025-01-08T14:18:13-05:00 (#2g477ta) @ aw thank you nikki!!! i really wanna make a new zine it's been a while! hopefully i can finish my miyawaki sakura one soon... 2025-01-08T14:19:49-05:00 (#esndw3a) @ yeah! i considered it but i went with taskbook because it just seemed simpler lol. nb does look very fleshed out and feature rich though i kinda wanna try out its note-locking feature 2025-01-08T14:20:02-05:00 (#esndw3a) @ it's pretty new for me but i'm liking it so far! 2025-01-08T14:20:58-05:00 morning friends (it is 2pm) 2025-01-08T14:21:18-05:00 (#64keoqa) @ i wrote insane fanfiction last night that may make my friends think i'm weirder than usual but oh well. embrace da weirdness. also i wanna make zines 2025-01-08T14:30:16-05:00 wrote up a short list of things i need to do for [superlove](https://superlove.sayitditto.net/)... it's just some like clarification and housekeeping and stuff really 2025-01-08T17:41:52-05:00 (#5uhtwfa) @ it's awesome!!!!!!!! 2025-01-08T17:42:20-05:00 (#wh5b4wq) @ oh this rules 2025-01-09T14:26:03-05:00 (#xd2liqq) @ same here lol! my aunt actually got it for me so i'm super excited to tinker with it and i might record a vlog for it :D 2025-01-09T14:26:55-05:00 @ i thought i was going insane when i saw blank posts on my TL i was like is noscript fucking with me again but no it's you guys fucking around LOLLLL 2025-01-09T14:27:11-05:00 (#ydxkhuq) @ lol thats neat! 2025-01-09T14:27:20-05:00 (#2g477ta) @ shes the best <3 2025-01-09T14:29:41-05:00 good morning yarn friends. we need a funny name for yarn posters. what's something that fits the yarn theme.... i mean we quite literally have threads here. yarn threads. how epic is that. now us posters need a funny name too. 2025-01-09T14:37:28-05:00 trying to set up @'s jenny client... currently trying to find where twtxt files are stored on the server so i can set up the scp script i have for this 2025-01-09T14:42:25-05:00 i wanna try streaming with owncast using my camcorder as the input device because i found out that i might be able to do that and now i really wanna fuckin try it lol 2025-01-09T14:42:59-05:00 (#dozxdba) @ i don't even have like time or space to stream unless it was no mic/video and just me doing stuff on my computer which can be boring without even mic input. plus no way to use camcorder that way. but. it'd be cool if i could so i dream 2025-01-10T13:58:27-05:00 (#dozxdba) @ trueee! good point 2025-01-10T13:58:37-05:00 (#ksdoqeq) @ love this for you 2025-01-10T13:59:26-05:00 (#6rsm6pq) @ wait thats so cute re: the yarn name! i had no idea! we're all just keeping the yarn ball rolling... 2025-01-10T13:59:54-05:00 (#u2ycerq) @ LMAO thats so funny i need to try jenny i was trying it but i couldn't figure out my twtxt sync script for it 2025-01-10T14:00:05-05:00 (#nntyksa) @ thank you so much! 2025-01-10T14:03:04-05:00 (#vzksboq) @ so i did a mistake that i've done before and i think i just pulled from the main branch which is STUPID i KNOW and i don't LEARN but whatever. i was having trouble with my go version and the makefile so i think i literally just ran it as my user with go in the path and redirected the binaries to go to a temporary directory i made and then moved them to /usr/bin lol. i'm not sure what could've caused this! probably something in the pipeline of weirdness i just wrote out 2025-01-10T21:17:29-05:00 (#vzksboq) @ ah that's good lol! i once pulled from main for a huge web app that i deployed and it haunts me because it will make upgrading so much harder lol 2025-01-10T21:19:08-05:00 been playing with making fun scripts using charm CLI's gum library :P

one that gets lyrics from an open lyrics database's API and accepts input for artist & song names: https://asciinema.org/a/697860

and one that uses a user-provided last.fm API key to pull what's currently playing or what last played on your account :) https://asciinema.org/a/697874 2025-01-10T21:19:50-05:00 (#buulkxq) @ both scripts are here under the names 'getlyr' and 'now playing' if you wanna try them out yourself, just make sure you have gum installed (also curl and jq but most people have those i think) https://git.sr.ht/~chasinglightning/dotfiles/tree/main/item/home/.local/bin 2025-01-10T21:20:52-05:00 (#buulkxq) @ definitely a fun way to get better at bash scripting by hand (AKA learn how it works besides the extreme basics i know) and use gum to make them cute too 2025-01-11T20:57:58-05:00 (#buulkxq) @ ahhh thank you so so much!!!! i've heard of shellcheck but haven't checked it out properly - will try it for my scripts :D i really appreciate it 2025-01-11T20:58:10-05:00 (#dozxdba) @ i might give it a try soon! 2025-01-11T20:58:15-05:00 (#buulkxq) @ <333 ty 2025-01-12T00:58:28-05:00 (#uhvleqq) @ fuck yeah!!! 2025-01-13T10:58:01-05:00 (#t77vpda) @ slayyyy 2025-01-13T10:58:13-05:00 (#46caiea) @ real shit 2025-01-13T10:58:33-05:00 broke my revolt instance yesterday T__T 2025-01-13T10:58:48-05:00 my framework laptop is here but no time to put it together :( 2025-01-13T11:00:37-05:00 new icon from a very dark comic mini series that just came out <3 (doll parts by luana vecchio 2025-01-14T21:15:19-05:00 (#w4n3v4q) they're not an all encompassing site but [404media.co](https://www.404media.co/) do some great tech reporting, their RSS feed is [here](https://www.404media.co/rss) 2025-01-14T21:15:36-05:00 (#ied7una) @ hey irene!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm vibing rn 2025-01-14T21:16:59-05:00 (#fhrugmq) @ all me hahah! thank you <3 2025-01-14T21:17:31-05:00 (#liaoqeq) @ I DID END UP PUTTING IT TOGETHER BTW AND I VLOGGED IT (https://memoria.sayitditto.net/view?m=fGvHAMJvq) AND I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH 2025-01-14T21:18:30-05:00 (#liaoqeq) @ sticker status!!!!! ![](https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/media/tdBEi2zcVfH2GkUSHwwHdY.png) 2025-01-14T21:19:21-05:00 i self hosted the [soft serve git server](https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve) cuz i felt like it. it's sooo cute i love everything charm CLI does

ssh -p 24010 soft.git.girlonthemoon.xyz 2025-01-14T21:22:35-05:00 oh also out of boredom i hosted [glance](https://github.com/glanceapp/glance) even though i have no need for a dashboard lol. it's really cute though ![](https://yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz/media/eFCbCnfK3o3vZbUWYmTUtD.png) 2025-01-15T00:05:50-05:00 laughing my ass off rn because ao3 the fanfic website deployed a big change that i did on my own site months ago. i am a PIONEER!!!!!!!!!! 2025-01-15T00:06:27-05:00 (#mrnsnba) @ (they migrated their image backend from a deprecated third party plugin to a first party feature. which i did on the same codebase last summer with no knowledge of rails lol)