@kat It’ll be whatever the actual server’s time zone is.
@kat Temporally change the admin account on your pod to another account. Then login with that and reset the password on your main account.
What didn’t work? Hmmm 🤔
Hmm? 🤔
@seabirdie 👋 Welcome to Yarn.social 🙌
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz HELPPP BEST OF LUCK 🙏🙏🙏
finally starting to get somewhere with my neocities page.. fuck yes..
@seabirdie fuck yeah!!!!!!!!!1
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz courtney whitmore #1 fan on every platform🙏🙏
@kat ok yeah idk what’s going on whatever i’ll mess with config later
tz test
@seabirdie KILLER ICON!!!
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz HAIIII
wait i just realized this pod’s time zone is not my time zone hold on lol
should put together my new pi and set up the DIY KVM thing i’m doing but ehhh tired
@kat Haha 🤣
should get back to reading doctorow’s internet con, it’s so good
thanks to prologic i now know i can post video here. sorry for bringing idol fancams to this humble network do you still love me
@gretahayes yesssss u got this!!!
Everyone should watch danger force cause why’s it lowkey sooo good
👋 Hello @seabirdie, welcome to yarn, a Yarn.social Pod! To get started you may want to check out the pod’s Discover feed to find users to follow and interact with. To follow new users, use the ⨁ Follow
button on their profile page or use the Follow form and enter a Twtxt URL. You may also find other feeds of interest via Feeds. Welcome! 🤗
I’m so good at this. I’m so good at this. I can even reply to people successfully at times
@prologic@twtxt.net thank u :)
testing video posts here’s a yunjin fancam
@prologic@twtxt.net OH SICK I GOTTA TRY THAT
Also yarnd
supports video too 🤣
@prologic@twtxt.net hahahah yeah it’s a bit heavy for what i need but i do like that it’s advanced enough that it’s easy for friends to use :P
@kat Thanks! I built my own video hosting platform too but not nearly as fancy as what you use 🤣
yesterday i was gonna buy new batgirl & birds of prey issues but the comic store didn’t have either
@ 👋 Welcome to Yarn.social 🙌
@gretahayes <333
Woah….it’s so pretty & pink on here…
@gretahayes HI RUS OMG
@prologic@twtxt.net mediacms! it’s janky yeah but it does the job ultimately (even if sometimes videos don’t encode and i gotta do some weird python venv shit to force the encode lol…)
@bender@twtxt.net Wre I’m talking about Web right? 🤣
UA about? I thought I could ask before throwing a 1000GB file at it 🪤 could it be the same 'xt' thing @lyse was talking about the other day?
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Nice! 🙌
@bender@twtxt.net you’re right the scale wasn’t that large, but analyzing the logs. It definitely was a detox attack. 🤣 I woke up this morning to see six other small spikes like this which I’ll have to analyze later tonight…
👋 Hello @gretahayes, welcome to yarn, a Yarn.social Pod! To get started you may want to check out the pod’s Discover feed to find users to follow and interact with. To follow new users, use the ⨁ Follow
button on their profile page or use the Follow form and enter a Twtxt URL. You may also find other feeds of interest via Feeds. Welcome! 🤗
@kat What do you use for this btw? 🤔
why’d it announce my test account LOL
@ ok nvm just temp enabling registrations for this bc it just won’t work lol i’ll play with it another time
👋 Hello @test, welcome to yarn, a Yarn.social Pod! To get started you may want to check out the pod’s Discover feed to find users to follow and interact with. To follow new users, use the ⨁ Follow
button on their profile page or use the Follow form and enter a Twtxt URL. You may also find other feeds of interest via Feeds. Welcome! 🤗
UA about? I thought I could ask before throwing a 1000GB file at it 🪤 could it be the same 'xt' thing @lyse was talking about the other day?
@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org yep, I gave it a spin locally! I freaking love the cute logo and the UI is fiiiine 👌 my TUI browsers love it just as much …