@movq@www.uninformativ.de Woohoo, noice! Now you can ship, even sell it! :-D
All kidding aside, even though I never wrote a proper brainfuck program myself, I do like that. :-) Keep it going.
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz The early bird… oh wait. :-D
Yeah, @bender@twtxt.net, I absolutely love it! :-D Monty Python just rocks!
This very knight inspired me to make myself a knight helmet with opening visor out of an old washing machine sheet metal years ago for a theater play. It was really great fun, both making the helmet as well as using it during the week in the play as a silly and shady prince who got all his tracts of land by winning dubious games.
I just couldn’t really hear very well in it. And if somebody hit me on the head or just slightly knocked on the helmet, it was incredibly loud. No fine craftmanship by any means and obviously historically extremely questionable at best, but it did the job well enough. One of the running gags was that I had to open the visor when I wanted to talk. Here are some photos in action, you’ll find many more when surfing through the gallery:
- https://wawuwo.de/2016/woche2/montag/017.html#image
- https://wawuwo.de/2016/woche2/dienstag/019.html#image
- https://wawuwo.de/2016/woche2/mittwoch/156.html#image
- https://wawuwo.de/2016/woche2/donnerstag/008.html#image
- https://wawuwo.de/2016/woche2/freitag/036.html#image In one lunch break my page and I decided to dress up and play a game of dice against the kids. However, we used badly cogged dice. We just added a few dots of paint on one of the two dice, so that it had two fours, two fives and two sixes or something like that. I always told my opponents: “You can choose whatever dice you want. Except for the red one, that’s my lucky dice!” As well-behaved children, they then selected the blue, unbiased one. And usually lost. However, I remember there was one kid that beat me with four sixes in row. :-D Although we thought, we make it halfway obvious that this game is truly not fair, it took them extremely long to figure out that we had messed with my lucky dice. When they finally did, they got super angry. Some of them were on the brink of beating me up. That was really nice to see their sense of justice kick it. :-)
- https://wawuwo.de/2016/woche2/freitag/169.html#image
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Woah, that’s insane! Yeah, I wanted to take it easy as well, but then suddenly got 9:30 hours on the clock… :-/
Vacations were great, it took me five attempts this morning to enter my disk encryption password. :-D
An hour later and I have glued together a new batch of cardbord boxes. I’ve cut out the blanks several days ago, though. Easy upcycling project:
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Yeah, some smileys in MS Teams are as well. :-(
@movq@www.uninformativ.de That looks neat! In the past I always used some Jitsi instance for screen shares.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I read some of them that I thought might be kinda important. But nearly none really were. I gotta try your approach next time. :-)
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Wow, that’s cool. :-) Even witchcraft! :-D
My shoulder muscles are sore from yesterday’s overhead concrete drilling. I even totalled a good drill bit. The workshop air cleaner is now installed on the ceiling. I even can plug in the shop vac directly above its usual location without having to walk over (or usually on) the cord on the ground. The shop vac hose crane had to be shortened 9cm in length in order to fit underneath the air cleaner.
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Doesn’t happen all that often over here either. But I’d estimate a few times a year.
@bender@twtxt.net I’m that kind of dude who disables all silly animations and delays. Simply don’t waste my time, please. We have fast enough computers nowadays, no need to slow them back down artificially.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Over-ear headphones make moving and turning around quite uncomfortable. But it looks like you’re having a very calm sleep, unlike me, who likes to turn a bit on the side every now and then, too.
When I use noise cancelling devices in bed (absolutely required at scouting events), it’s simple ear plugs. I got myself a big pack of 200 pairs nine and a half years ago (oh wow, didn’t realize I have them this long). A lifetime supply. Especially when I reuse them two, three dozen times or so before they’re worn out and don’t seal properly anymore.
I received a tad over four hundred e-mails during my three and a half weeks vacation. That’s actually really good, I expected way more. It just would have been nice if some bot e-mail addresses hadn’t changed and hence slipped through my sorting filter rules in the first place.
@prologic@twtxt.net True. :-)
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Well, congrats, I guess! :-D I never had Vim crash on me, they do a killer job on keeping it stable.
Oh no, best wishes, @aelaraji@aelaraji.com! To hopefully brighten your day a tad:
@prologic@twtxt.net @eapl.me@eapl.me @bender@twtxt.net I just found:
Equilibrium problems are solved by method of relaxation numerically.
– Manoj Kumar and Garima Mishra, https://www.scirp.org/html/8798.html
Reminds me of deliberately misattributed quotes from a funny German book series “Die Känguru-Chroniken”, like:
How much is the fish?
– Karl Marx
I’m positively surprised there is even an English wikipedia page about The Kangaroo Chronicles. Somebody gathered a list with all of them.
@bmallred@staystrong.run Oh no! Best of luck to restore everything. Unfortunately, I cannot provide you a copy of your twtxt feed. It turns out when the messages were gone from your feed and I refetched the now empty feed, all messages were also dropped from my local cache. :-/ But it looks like you’re on something already. The message timestamps are all way off, though.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de @kat Agreed!
@kat Pics or it didn’t happen! We were already back at 14°C today. But there might be chance of snow towards the end of the week. Let’s see.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Sounds about right. :-D It’s now calm again.
Always noise, whichever way you loo^Whear at it. :-(
@movq@www.uninformativ.de This video never gets old! :-) Now I ended up on https://brendangregg.com/specials.html#rshutdown and laughing my ass off. :-D
Meh, I hit an import cycle while writing tests. Now I have to relocate some code. What do we conclude from that: don’t write tests. ;-)
Where is all this wind suddenly coming from?
UA about? I thought I could ask before throwing a 1000GB file at it 🪤 could it be the same 'xt' thing @lyse was talking about the other day?
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Thank you very much, glad you like it. :-) I always try to make web pages use as much semantic tags as possible and keep the HTML very simple, so that they also have a chance to look decent in terminal browsers. The logo took me a few hours to draw in all its three sizes.
UA about? I thought I could ask before throwing a 1000GB file at it 🪤 could it be the same 'xt' thing @lyse was talking about the other day?
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Ta! It’s just the millenia old tabs vs. spaces debate. ;-) Here’s a screenshot, that also kinda serves as a preview of the ugly – yet functional – web interface:
@bender@twtxt.net Magnetic-core memory. SCNR.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Oh dear. All the best of luck with that noise! And the disks.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I don’t use them either.
or base(16)
in calc to do that. That’s exhausting after a while.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Thanks! I already found it and patched it to run in my ancient Python version (no match
keyword and exec(…)
only allows globals
and locals
as positional arguments). :-) https://lyse.isobeef.org/tmp/mcalc-patched.py.txt
@prologic@twtxt.net Excellent, working fine now. Thank you!
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Truly classic. :-D
or base(16)
in calc to do that. That’s exhausting after a while.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de That sounds super useful! I always used bc
and ibase=2
for conversions. But your digit grouping is what I always lacked. I gotta switch.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Yeah, the Python docs are more like a book. They absolutely shine if you have no idea and read them from top to bottom. The tutorial is baked right in. But they don’t work all that perfect as cheat sheets. I also remember looking for the return types way too long in the past.
I would have thought that this could be easily improved when type hints are in place. And it sure does: https://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/httpclient.html#tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient.fetch
@movq@www.uninformativ.de It’s crazy! I thought about it the other day on my hike. There are so many shady areas in winter that are fully blasted by the sun in summer.
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Heck yeah, they’re both very lovely! I like how you can still see the full disk through the clouds in the first one.
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz Oh cool, I wish I had a similar subject in school. :-)
UA about? I thought I could ask before throwing a 1000GB file at it 🪤 could it be the same 'xt' thing @lyse was talking about the other day?
I cobbled that together yesterday, @aelaraji@aelaraji.com. Since I was too lazy to write some tests, I simply hit your feed as I knew it contains two invalid lines right now. Sorry mate! :-( Next thing is to actually write some proper tests, improve the messages, etc.
Here’s the code: https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/validator
Looking forward to that, @prologic@twtxt.net. :-)
@prologic@twtxt.net Looks like I’m hitting this now when reloading my subscriptions:
$ grep twtxt.net .config/twtxt/config | wc -l
@eapl.me@eapl.me That’s a nice quote. I like it.
@prologic@twtxt.net Nah, it’s really not necessary from my point of view. There’s not enough math here that would justify it. In the spirit of simplicity, I’d leave it off. O:-)
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz Static angles for too long get indeed a bit boring to watch in my opinion, but just experiment with it. What’s the worst that could happen? Wasted disk space or people increase playback speed to time lapse or fast-forward. Hence, not a huge issue. Even if only you had fun recording it and learned something along the way, it’s already a win. Everything else is a bonus on top.
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz Yiha! I reckon the video is a bit squished together on the horizontal axis. Maybe your video site messed something up in postprocessing? No idea. Anyway, you’re already better at guitar than I ever was.
If you don’t wanna buy a tripod, you could make yourself a makeshift one with some sort of a sandbag, cherry pit pillow or an old, cut off and sewn shut trouser leg section filled with rice, lentils, etc. This gives you a shapeable surface where you can simply rest the camcorder on. It allows for some limited vertical up and down pitch. Obviously, that won’t work for extreme angles, but might be just enough for your application of recording at your desk. You just have to watch out for the side to side roll, this could otherwise lead to a slanted sailboat video. ;-)
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz I’m an absolute sucker for all sorts of crafts videos, mostly wood and metal working, but also leather and construction. So obviously, your Tux sewing project would make a good video in my opinion. :-D (But I fear it would require way more work than just talking into the camera. Think of camera setup time with framing and focusing, repositioning a couple of times, editing, yada, yada, yada. I documented wood working build processes in my shop in the past and it made the projects take easily ten times as long, if not more. So, I stopped doing that.)
As kids we recorded some action films on magnetic tape camcorders. That was also great fun.
Couldn’t find anybody to join me this arvo, so I went alone. Only in the forest I began to see real snow. And then of course with each meter of elevation gain. I reckon there were 5-6 cm at the summit, so there is still room for improvement. The weather was absolutely stunning, a sunny blue sky alternating with clouds, most of my hike hardly any wind and 1°C. Climbing the mountain was a different story, the wind hit me hard.
I just love the wind-brushed formations of ice on the twigs and branches. They look soooo incredibly cool. It was kinda hard to capture them on film with the wind pushing everything around.
On the way down I took the narrow and currently fairly slippery path that was closed for some weeks due to felling activity. It looks so different with heaps of trees on the ground now. They’ve also sawn down the tree with the small hole near the ground (which I think I’ve shown a few times in the past). The beech in 52 to 54 was probably hit by lightning a few months ago. At least it’s completely charred.
@kat @movq@www.uninformativ.de Right!? :-) (In retrospect, must be later than elementary school, but still at least a decade old.)
Haaa! It was only now that I realized that gentoo is indeed a penguin species, I never knew that. Nice! I was always under the impression that the Gentoo distribution was simply named after an invented word. Well, I was so wrong. Thanks for teaching me. :-)
@movq@www.uninformativ.de I never used DOS or OS/2, but I fully agree with you. A Unix shell with its tool landscape is hard to beat (photo/video viewing/editing aside).