Having a lot of fun with Coraza today. A Web Application Firewall library written in Go that also happens to have a Caddy module.
@prologic@twtxt.net oooh gonna have to look into this, doubt most of my sites need it but i’m thinking one or two could use it
@kat@yarn.girlonthemoon.xyz If you’ve been following my yarns the other day about me getting off of Clownflare and building my own WAF, Proxy and effectively my own Edge network, you’ll know I’m doing this at the very edge 🤣🤣
I’m just basically learning now how ModSecurity rules work and how to write my own.
The builtin OWASP rules are already working nicely 👌 – And yeah I won’t include the WAF on every site block, probably just my main/primary domain where I tend to run demo services and other things.
i.e: Not much point in running a WAF on a static site. But OTOH if there’s enough abuse from shitty assholes, there might be 🤔🤔
@prologic@twtxt.net that’s iconic af though like i should do the same bc i hate cloudflare that much i just refuse to use them
@kat I’ve actually moved most of my stuff of of Cloudflare now 🤣 I’m actually very happy with my edge proxy setup that reverse proxies, caches and acts as a web application firewall 🥳