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Recent twts from lyse
In-reply-to » @movq How about now? 🙏 That’s so damn cool mate! I went through the code, but this lowlevel stuff is really not my favorite cup of tea. Having said that, it was actually really nice to see the abstractions and APIs work together and how things are getting indeed very readable in the userland programs. That’s easy to track in this extremely tiny OS implementation. Excellent work, keep on hacking!

Now, you just have to quickly add a network stack and then can write a twtxt client for it! ]:->

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In-reply-to » This year is a perfect square: 2025 = 45ÂČ. Most of us reading this at time of posting won't be alive next time that happens since 46ÂČ = 2116, 91 years from now. This has been bouncing around the internet but for some reason I felt compelled to record it here! That’s neat, good old $\sum_{i=1}^{9} i^3$ (let’s see if yarnd’s markdown parser has LaTeX support or not ;-)).

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Rode my bicycle into town. What the hell is wrong with some of these motorists!? Here in right lane traffic land, a car reversed out of the driveway on the left into the road and nearly hit me. And this happened twice! If you don’t fucking see, how about you go slowly and not just hope that nobody is coming!? The first one even decided to honk at me. SUV drivers confirming prejudice

Well, at least I could help a lady with transfering her child in a pram.

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In-reply-to » Once again I glimpsed at my twtxt feed access log. Now I'm wondering: is there a twtxt client named xt out there? Does anyone know? I did not find anything for "xt/0.0.1". Hmm, what’s this Emacs client you heard about? Unfortunately, there is no feed URL or nick in the User-Agent, it just consists of “xt/0.0.1”, that’s it. And this client was only active from mid-November until the end of the month.

It’ll probably remain a mystery, we’ll never know.

​ Read More Danke! Ui, sehr schön, das sind zweifelsohne hervorragende Upcycling-Projekte. :-) Ja, im Baumarkt Holz zu kaufen ist ziemlich teuer, erst recht, wenn man sich mal die QualitÀt genauer anschaut.

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In-reply-to » I am now proud to say, that as of this moment, I am off of Clownflare đŸ€Ł Still using Cloudflare for DNS, but no longer proxying through their services or terminating TLS at their edge. Instead, all my sites and services now terminate TLS on my own edge proxy running Caddy+Wireguard (so all ingress is actually egress đŸ€Ł) đŸ„ł #Clownflare #Cloudflare Yiha, that’s great news! Now you just have to migrate away from their DNS, too. :-)

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Once again I glimpsed at my twtxt feed access log. Now I’m wondering: is there a twtxt client named xt out there? Does anyone know? I did not find anything for “xt/0.0.1”.

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Gesundes Neues,! Was machst Du mit den Raketenstecken? Bastelst Du damit tolle Dinge? Ich hab damit zwei kleine RegÀlchen zusammengeleimt:

Der Wind hat mir soeben einen neuen Stecken beschert, lag er doch plötzlich vor der TĂŒr. Muss wohl vom Dach runtergekommen sein. Damit hab ich ganze zwei dieses Jahr. Hier wird sehr stark auf Böller gesetzt, ein absolutes Unding!

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In-reply-to » We had a faint yellow-orange-redish sky this evening. Only subtle, but it was actually one of those rare 360° sunsets. Just when I thought, that was it, it's now over, the colors took off like crazy:

Thank you, @kat and! Yeah, number four looks like a forest fire.

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It was supposed to start raining this afternoon, but a rain cloud hit us in the morning just when we approached the foot of our backyard mountain. With the dark sky above us and wind speed picking up, we decided to take the next turn and head back. Luckily, the rain didn’t last long, so we paid the tadpole pond a visit to prolong our stroll. My mate told me that it was frozen a few days ago, but there was not much of the icy cover left today.


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We had a faint yellow-orange-redish sky this evening. Only subtle, but it was actually one of those rare 360° sunsets. Just when I thought, that was it, it’s now over, the colors took off like crazy:


A much nicer start into the year than all the hell yesterday. However, just as I type this, there come also the next round of explosions as darkness falls. Those bloody fuckers, please blow yourselves up!

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In-reply-to » Okay, this is pretty cool. My 8086 toy OS running on my old Pentium from an actual floppy disk. 😍 I just love that sound and the feeling of using floppies. This brings back so many memories from my early DOS days. Implementing my own TUI rendering in the tt rewrite, I know what a headache this can be. :-)

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In-reply-to » Healthy new world war! It’s not any better on the “ground” with trees and buildings around. They don’t dampen at all, in fact the houses just cause reverb and amplify the bangs. Rest assured, I did not hear any people laughing or anything in that nature. Just grenades going off. Talking to my mates, it appears that I live in an especially bad shithole, they reported a noticable reduction of explosions around 00:20. Over here, there was constant fire till around 02:00.

Yep, that’s exactly how I imagine a war zone, too.

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In-reply-to » It must already be New Year here. Full continuous fire for ten minutes. For sure, we have isolated bangs since at least 12th December, too. That day I also noticed piles of cracker garbage in the forest. What assholes. Luckily, it’s illegal to sell fireworks other than after the last three days in the year. However, people can still import them and they do. :-(

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In-reply-to » 3°C today, it was quite nice in the sun. A lot of hunting and tree felling going on in the forest. And we met the heron again, that was very cool: No, that was a wide open field, absolutely nowhere to hide. I reckon it was just a very brave individual. We somehow managed to radiate a sense of calm. :-) It might have been the same heron I saw the other days a few hundred meters west.

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In-reply-to » 3°C today, it was quite nice in the sun. A lot of hunting and tree felling going on in the forest. And we met the heron again, that was very cool: All my cameras have an optical zoom. The current one even reaches 18x optical magnification. This feller was very relaxed as we snuck up on him. We didn’t want to scare him off, so we stopped at around four meters. Still, some zoom factor was used to caputure him. :-)

The last few days were very sunny, so is today and the next couple days. One just has to keep moving, or it gets too cold.

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We both first thought there is an old helium balloon in the meadow downhill next to the narrow path. However, it was actually a heron against the light. Bloody cool! We passed it at just four meters distance, it didn’t even care about us. I definitely broke my last record from the day after yesterday. Heck, yeah!

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In-reply-to » hmm any ideas how to fix this case when there is no nick and it on a shared tilde hosting? Right. Also, generally speaking, if you come across a new feed URL, it’s probably either via some mention in another feed or the User-Agent in your access log. Both cases typically advertise also a display name. So, you just reuse whatever you’ve seen there.

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